Lather, Rinse, Repeat
REACTIONARY MEDIA CLOWN: We should extensively torture, then brutally slaughter all liberals, then grind up their corpses for use as insulation in God-fearing, flag-bearing homes across this great country.
CORPORATE MEDIA MOUTHPIECE: Wow! Do you really mean that?!
RMC: Of course! We are at war. You're either with us, or you're in the crawl space.
Later . . .
OUTRAGED LIBERAL BLOGGER: That was outrageous! How dare that Nazi call for liberals to be insulation! Why does the media tolerate such hate speech?! Our patriotism has been demeaned!
The next night . . .
CMM: Well, you certainly angered and offended a lot of people online with your insulation remarks last night!
RMC: Ha! That just shows what fags liberals are! And I was being nice! At least as insulation, liberals would be contributing to society instead of leeching off decent Americans to pay for their heroin and teen daughters' abortions!
A few moments after . . .
OLB: Has the media gone insane? Why do they keep showcasing this nutjob?! It's as if they're trying to boost ratings in order to raise advertising rates, or something! The fact is, liberals are the real American patriots, not lunatic rightwingers who hate this fine, upstanding country! For shame, corporate media, for shame!
And so on, and so on . . .
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